Financial Terms:
Now that you have got some idea of what corporate executives and analysts will discuss about in a conference call, let’s familiarize ourselves with a few financial terms that you may come across in a script frequently.
Note: Only a few most commonly used financial terms have been provided here to familiarize trainee transcribers and editors. For a more complete list of financial terms and definition, please visit the below mentioned sites.
Here is a list of few financial terms that you are most likely to come across in a script!
Financial Terms | Financial Terms | Financial Terms |
10-K | grant | proprietorship |
10-Q | gratuity | prorate |
401(k) plan | gross | prospect |
52-week high | gross income | prospectus |
52-week low | gross margin | prosperity |
abandonment | gross profit | protective put |
abnormal returns | gross profit margin | protest |
ABS (Automated Bond System) | gross revenue | provision |
accelerated investments | gross sales | provision for income taxes |
accelerated tax | ground lease | proxy |
account reconciliation | growth | proxy statement |
accounting | growth and income fund | proxy vote |
accounts payable | growth fund | public |
accounts receivable | growth rate | public company |
accretion | guarantee | public limited partnership |
accretive | guidance | public relations |
accrual | haircut | publicly held |
accrued interest | hard goods | publicly traded |
accumulation | headline inflation | publicly-traded fund |
acquisition | headline risk | punitive damages |
acquisition-related intangibles | hedge | purchase |
actuals | hedge fund | purchase agreement |
actuarial | hedging | purchasing power |
actuaries | held to maturity | purchasing power of the dollar |
ad valorem | heterogeneous | purchasing power parity |
adjudication | hidden asset | purchasing power risk |
adjustment | hidden tax | pure competition |
administration costs | highly leveraged transaction | pure play |
administrative expenses | historical | put |
administrative items | hockey stick | put option |
affiliate | holdback | put/call ratio |
aftermarket | holder of record | puttable |
after-tax | holding company | qualified |
agency | holding period | qualified dividend |
agglomeration | home equity | qualitative research |
aggregate | home equity loan | quality |
all in | home run | quality control |
allocation | homeowner | quantitative analysis |
allocation committee | homogeneous | quarter |
allowance | horizontal acquisition | quarterly report |
alpha | horizontal market | quarter-on-quarter |
alt-a | horizontal merger | quasi equity |
amalgamation | hostile bid | quiet period |
amortization | hostile takeover | quota |
analyst | hot stock | quote |
annual report | housing market | R&D (Research and Development) |
annualized | housing starts | raise |
annuity | human capital | ramp up |
anticipation | hurdle rate | range |
antitrust | hybrid annuity | ranking |
anti-trust issues | illiquid | rate |
appraisal | immunity | rate of exchange |
appreciation | immunization | rate of return |
appropriation | impairment | rating service |
arbitrage | impairment charge | ratio |
arbitration | implication | ratio analysis |
arithmetic mean | implied interest rate | raw materials |
ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) | import | real asset |
arrears | impose | real capital |
Articles of Association | in lieu of | real estate |
Articles of Incorporation | in line | realized |
asset | in perpetuity | realized profit |
asset management | in the black | real-time |
asset sales | in the red | rebate |
assurances | incentive | rebound |
ATP (Average Transaction Price) | incentive fee | receipt |
attrition | inception | receivable days |
attrition rate | incidental benefit | receivables |
auction | income | recession |
auction market | income distribution | reclassification |
audit | income fund | recognize |
audit fees | income statement | recommendation |
audit report | income stream | reconciliation |
auditor | income tax | record |
average daily sales | incorporated | record date |
average occupancy cost | incorporation | recourse loan |
average sales price | incremental | recovery |
average tangible equity | incremental cost | red ink |
averages | incremental cost of capital | redeem |
averaging | incremental internal rate of return | redeemable |
B2B (Business-to-Business) | incubator | redeemable bond |
B2C (Business-to-Consumer) | indemnify | redeemable shares |
baby boomer | indemnity | redemption |
back office | indenture | refinancing |
back up | index | refund |
backdating | index bond | regional bank |
back-end load | index fund | register |
backlog | index swap | registered |
backward integration | indexed loan | Registered Company |
backwardation | indexing | registrar |
bad debt | indirect cost | registration |
bad debt reserve | indirect investment | regression |
balance of payments | inducement | regressive tax |
balance sheet | industrial | regulation |
balanced fund | industrial goods | Regulation FD |
bancassurance | industry | regulatory agency |
bank | inelasticity | regulatory requirements |
bank draft | inflation | regulatory risk |
bankruptcy | inflation hedge | reimbursement |
barriers to entry | inflation rate | reinstate |
barter | inflationary | reinsurance |
base rate | inflection point | reinvestment |
infrastructure | REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) | |
infringement | relative value | |
basic earnings per share | inherent | remainder |
basis point | inheritance | remittance |
basis swap | in-house | remuneration |
basket | initiate coverage | renewable |
bear market | injunction | rent |
bearer bond | innovation | reorganization |
bearish | insider buying | repatriation |
below par | insider selling | repay |
benchmark | insider trading | replacement value |
beneficiary | insolvency | repo |
benefit | insolvent | representative |
bid | installment | reprice |
Big Three | institution | repurchase agreement |
bill of exchange | institutional broker | requisition |
billing cycle | instrument | resale |
blackout period | insurable interest | resale value |
Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model | insurance | rescind |
blended rate | insured | rescission |
Blue Chip | insurer | research and development |
blue-collar | intangible asset | reseller |
Board of Directors | intellectual property | reservation |
boardroom | interbank | reserve ratio |
boilerplate | intercommodity spread | reserve requirement |
bond | interest | residential mortgage |
book building | interest income | residual |
book value per share | interest rate | residual value |
bookkeeping | interest-bearing | resolution |
book-to-bill ratio | interim | resource |
boom and bust cycle | interim dividend | resource allocation |
borrow | interim financing | restatement |
borrowed reserves | intermediary | restricted security |
borrower | intermediate goods | restricted stock |
borrowing base | internal audit | restrictive credit policy |
bottom line | internal auditor | restructure |
Bourse | intervals | restructuring |
brand | intrinsic value | result |
breach of trust | inventory | retail |
break-even analysis | inventory lien | retail banking |
break-even point | inventory turnover | retail investor |
bricks and mortar | inventory turns | retail lending |
bridge financing | invest | retail price |
bridge loan | invested capital | retained earnings |
broker | investment | retention rate |
brokerage | investor relations | retire |
buck | invoice | retirement |
budget | IPO (Initial Public Offering) | retroactive |
budget deficit | IRR (Internal Rate of Return) | retrocession |
budget surplus | irredeemable bond | return |
bull | irrevocable | revaluation |
bull market | issue | revenue |
bullion | issuer | revenue sharing |
bullish | January Effect | reversal |
bunching | Jensen index | reverse acquisition |
bundling | joint ownership | reverse hedge |
burn rate | Joint Stock Company | reverse mortgage |
burnout | joint venture | reverse split |
business | jointly and severally | revocation |
business cycle | judgment | revoke |
business model | judicial foreclosure | revolving collateral |
business plan | jumbo CD (jumbo Certificate of Deposit) | revolving line of credit |
business process outsourcing | jumbo loan | RevPAR (revenue per available room) |
buy in | jurisdiction | RFP (Request For Proposal) |
buy order | justified price | right of first offer |
buyback | kickback | right of first refusal |
buyer's market | labor | rights issue |
buyout | labor force | rights offering |
buy-sell agreement | labor-intensive | risk adjusted return |
buy-side | ladder option | risk adjusted return on capital (RAROC) |
bylaws | lag | risk capital |
CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) | laissez-faire | risk management |
calendar year | land contract | risk reversal |
call | land lease | risk/return trade-off |
call option | landlocked | risk-averse |
callable | lapse | risk-weighted asset |
cancellation of debt | lapsed option | RMBS (Residential Mortgage-Backed Security) |
cap | large cap | road show |
cap rate | launch | ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) |
capacity | law of large numbers | ROE (Return on Equity) |
capacity utilization rate | layoff | ROI (Return on Investment) |
CapEx (Capital Expenditure) | lead time | ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) |
capital | lease | roll over |
capital appreciation | lease acquisition cost | roll up |
capital efficiency | leaseback | rollout |
capital employed | leasehold | royalty |
capital gain | lease-purchase agreement | Rule of 72 |
capital goods | ledger | Rule of 78 |
capital loss carryforward | leg | run rate |
capital structure | legacy | S&P (Standard & Poor's) |
capitalization | legal | S&P 500 |
carryforward | legal entity | safe harbor |
carve-out | legal tender | salable |
cash | legislative risk | salary |
cash collateral | lend | sale |
cash conversion cycle | lender | sale and leaseback |
cash equivalents | lending agreement | sale price |
cash flow | lessee | sales |
cash flow statement | lessor | sales force |
cash flows from financing activities | letter of credit | sales tax |
cash flows from investing activities | letter of intent | salvage value |
cash flows from operating activities | level load | same-store sales |
casualty loss | level playing field | satellite operation |
caveat emptor | leverage | saturation |
ceiling | leverage ratio | saving |
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) | Leveraged Buyout | savings account |
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) | leveraging | scalability |
Chairman of the Board | levered | scale |
charge | liability | scarcity |
charge off | liability swap | scenario |
charter | LIBOR | schedule |
churn rate | license | seasonality |
circular | licensing | SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) |
circular flow of income | lien | SEC filing |
claim | life cycle | secondary market |
claim dilution | life expectancy | secondary mortgage market |
Class A Shares | life insurance | secondary offering |
class action suit | LIFO (Last In, First out) | secured |
Class B Shares | like-for-like sales | secured loan |
clawback | limit | securities |
closed fund | limited company | Securities Act of 1933 |
closed period | limited partnership | Securities Exchange Act of 1934 |
closed-end mortgage | line of credit | securitization |
closely held | linkage | securitize |
closing bell | liquid net worth | security |
closing statement | liquidate | seed capital |
COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) | liquidation | segment |
COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) | liquidity | segregated account |
collar | liquidity ratio | sell |
collateral | list price | sell out |
collateralized | listed | seller's market |
collectible | litigate | selling short |
collection | loan | selloff |
combined ratio | loan origination fee | sell-side analyst |
commerce | loan-deposit ratio | senior debt |
commercial mortgage-backed security | locked in | senior secured debt |
commercial paper | lock-in | sensitivity |
commingling | lockup period | sensitivity analysis |
commission | logistics | sequential |
commitment | long position | series |
commoditize | long put | series bond |
commodity | long-term | series fund |
common equity | lookback option | service |
common shares | loss | service contract |
common stock | loss carryover | service fee |
company | lows | session |
comparison | loyalty program | settle |
compensation | lump sum | settlement |
competition | macroeconomics | settlement costs |
competitive bid | maintenance | settlement date |
competitor | maintenance fee | settlement options |
compliance | majority ownership | severability |
complimentary | majority shareholder | severally but not jointly |
comply | make whole provision | severance costs |
compounding | malpractice | severance pay |
comprehensive coverage | managed account | SFAS (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) |
comps | management | SG&A (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) |
comptroller | management buyin | share |
concession | management buyout | share price |
condition | management's discussion and analysis | share repurchase plan |
conglomerate | mandate | shareholder |
consensus forecast | mandatory convertible | shareholder of record |
conservative | manifesto | shareholders' equity |
consideration | manufacturing overhead | shares authorized |
consignment | margin | shares outstanding |
consolidation | margin call | Sharpe ratio |
consortium | margin rate | shelf life |
consumer | marginal | short-term |
consumer bank | marginal cost | shrinkage |
consumer confidence | marginal rate | shutdown |
consumer finance | markdown | sideways |
consumer goods | market | simple interest |
consumption | market cap | simple moving average |
contagion | market price | simulation |
contango | market value | single-entry bookkeeping |
contingency | marketability | sinking fund |
continuing operations | marketable securities | SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) |
contract | marketing | slowdown |
contribution | marking up or down | slump |
controller | mark-to-market | small cap |
controlling interest | markup | small cap stock |
conversion | mass market | snowballing |
conversion ratio | matured | social responsibility |
conversion value | maturity | soft commodity |
convertible | maturity date | soft market |
COO (Chief Operating Officer) | maturity value | sold |
cooperative | mean | sole proprietor |
copay | median | sole proprietorship |
copyright | Medicaid | solvency ratio |
corporate | Medicare | solvent |
corporate bond | medium-term | source |
corporate governance | mercantile | sovereign debt |
corporation | merchandise | SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) |
corpus | merchant | special dividend |
correction | merchant bank | special purpose entity |
correlation | merger | specialized fund |
cost | mezzanine financing | specialty fund |
Cost Accounting | micro cap | speculation |
cost basis | microeconomics | speculative |
cost of sales | mid cap | speculative stock |
cost structure | milestone | speculator |
cost/benefit analysis | minimum wage | spend |
counterclaim | minimum yield | spike |
countercyclical | minority interest | spinning |
countermand | minority ownership | spinoff |
counteroffer | mitigate | split |
counterparty risk | model | split off |
coupon | modeling | sponsor |
covenant | momentum | sponsorship |
cover | monetary | spot |
coverage | monetize | spot commodity |
coverage ratio | monetizing debt | spot market |
credit | money | spot price |
credit analysis | money market | spot yield curve |
credit cycle | monopoly | spread |
credit default swap | Moody’s | spread option |
credit derivative | moratorium | squeeze |
credit facility | mortgage | squeeze out |
credit limit | mortgage banking | stability |
credit quality | mortgage origination | stabilization |
credit squeeze | mortgage rate | stable |
creditworthiness | mortgage-backed securities | stable market |
cross-hedging | moving average | staggered maturities |
cross-selling | multinational | stagging |
cumulative | multiple | stagnation |
currency | multiplier | stake |
currency swap | muni | stakeholder |
current assets | municipal | standard |
current liabilities | municipal bond | standard accounting practice |
cushion | mutual fund | standard deviation |
customary arrangement | NAIC (National Association of Investors Corporation) | standard of living |
customer | NAREIT (National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts) | standing order |
cycle | Nasdaq | startup |
cyclical | national income | stated capital |
daily high | National Stock Exchange | stated maturity |
daily low | nationalization | statement |
damages | natural resources | Statement of Cash Flows |
date of issue | NAV (Net Asset Value) | statute |
date of maturity | NAV (Net Asset Value) | statutory |
date of payment | near term | step down |
day order | negligible | step-down lease |
days payable | negotiable | step-up lease |
days receivable | negotiable instrument | sterilization |
de facto | net | sterilized intervention |
deal | net adjusted present value | stickiness |
deal flow | net after tax gain | stimulus package |
debenture | net assets | stipulate |
debit | net cash flow | stock |
debt | net debt | stock buyback |
debt financing | net earnings | stock exchange |
debt fund | net income | stock market |
debt swap | net interest income | stock option |
debt to income ratio | net interest margin | stock rating |
debt/asset ratio | net margin | stock split |
debt/equity ratio | net operating margin | stock swap |
debt-equity swap | net proceeds | stock ticker |
debtholder | net profit | stock valuation |
debtor | net profit margin | stockbroker |
debt-to-capital ratio | net worth | stockholder |
decree | net yield | stockholder of record |
deduction | newsletter | stockholders' equity |
deed | NOI (Net Operating Income) | stop-loss |
default | nominal | store of value |
defer | nominal asset | straddle |
deferral of taxes | nominal rate | straight line depreciation |
deferred revenue | nominal value | strategic alliance |
deferred tax | nominal yield | strategic buyout |
deficiency | non-bank financial company | strategic planning |
deficit | non-callable | strategy |
deflation | non-compete agreement | strip |
defunct | non-financial asset | structure |
delayed | non-interest expense | structured finance |
deleverage | non-interest income | structured investment vehicle |
delinquent | non-interest-bearing note | subordinated |
delist | nonperforming asset | subordinated debt |
delivery | non-profit organization | subordination clause |
delta | nonrecurring charge | subpoena |
delta hedging | nonrefundable | subprime loan |
demand | nonrenewable | subprime mortgage |
demand curve | normalized earnings | subscribe |
demand elasticity | notarize | subscription price |
dematerialization | note | subsidiary |
demerger | not-for-profit organization | subsidy |
demographics | notice | succession |
demonetization | notice period | sue |
denominated | notional | suitability |
depletion | notional value | sunk cost |
deposit | NPV (Net Present Value) | super senior |
depositary receipt | null and void | superannuation |
depreciation | NYSE ( | supercede |
deregulation | objective | supplier |
derivative | obligation | supply |
derivative market | obsolescence | supply chain |
devaluation | occupancy agreement | supply curve |
differential | occupation | support |
dilute | OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) | supranational |
diluted earnings per share | of record | surcharge |
diluted share | off the books | surety |
dilution | offer | surety bond |
direct marketing | offering | surplus |
director | officer | surrender charge |
disbursement | offset | surrender value |
discharge | offshore company | swap |
disclaimer | offshoring | swap rate |
disclosure | OIBDA (Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization) | swap reversal |
discontinued | oligopoly | swap spread |
discontinued operations | omnibus account | swaption |
discount | on balance | sweep account |
discretion | one time charge | switching |
discretionary | one-share one-vote rule | syndicate |
disinvestment | online banking | syndicate manager |
disposable income | online broker | syndication |
disposition | online trading | synergy |
dissolution | OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) | systemic risk |
distress sale | open economy | take-or-pay contract |
distribution | open ended | takeover |
diversifiable risk | open market | takeover bid |
diversification | open-end credit | tangible asset |
diversified | opening bell | target |
divest | operating | tariff |
divestiture | operating asset | TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Program) |
divestment | operating cash flows | tax |
dividend | operating costs | tax credit |
dividend payout ratio | operating cycle | tax deduction |
dividend per share | operating expense | tax deferral |
dollar cost averaging | operating income | tax haven |
domicile | operating lease | tax rate |
Dow Jones Industrial Average | operating leverage | taxable |
downgrade | operating margin | taxable income |
downside risk | operating profit | taxation |
downsizing | operating profit margin | tax-exempt |
downturn | operation | tax-exempt bond |
draft | operational risk | tenancy |
drawback | optimization | tenant |
drawdown | option | tender |
DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) | option agreement | tender offer |
due date | order | tenure |
due diligence | order flow | term |
duration | order imbalance | term bond |
earnest money | ordinance | term CD |
earnings | organization | term deposit |
earnings estimate | organizational chart | term loan |
earnings growth | original face value | term to maturity |
earnout | originate | terminal value |
EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Tax) | origination fee | terminate |
EBITA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Amortization) | orphan stock | terms |
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) | other current assets | testament |
EBITDAR (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization and Rent) | other long term liabilities | testimony |
economic cycle | outlay | The Street |
economic indicator | outperform | third party |
economy | outside director | ticker |
economy of scale | outsourcing | ticker symbol |
effective tax rate | outstanding | ticket |
efficiency | outstanding stock | tier |
efficiency ratio | over the counter derivative | tight market |
elasticity | over the counter market | tilted portfolio |
embedded option | overage | time decay |
embedded value | overallotment | time deposit |
emerging market | overdraft | time horizon |
employee contribution | overdue | time to market |
endorsement | overhang | time-sharing |
endowment | overhead | TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Security) |
enterprise | overhead ratio | title |
enterprise value | overlapping debt | top line |
entitlements | oversubscribed | toxic assets |
entity | Over-the-Counter | trade |
entrepreneur | overwriting | trade barrier |
entrepreneurship | owe | trade bloc |
entry barrier | own | trade name |
EPS (Earnings per Share) | owner of record | trademark |
equities | owner's equity | trader |
equity | P&L (Profit & Loss) | trading |
equity capital | paid-up capital | trading floor |
equity injection | paired shares | trading session |
equity market | pairing off | traditional economy |
equity swap | panic buying | trailing |
equity value | panic selling | tranche |
escheatment | paper | transaction |
escrow | paper asset | transfer |
escrow account | paper trading | transfer payments |
ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) | par | transfer pricing |
estimated tax | par value | transparent market |
European Union | parent company | treasurer |
Eurozone | Pareto's Law | Treasury |
exceptional item | parity | Treasury Bill |
excess accumulation | partial spinoff | Treasury Bond |
excess cash | partial surrender | Treasury Note |
excess margin | partially amortized loan | trend |
exchange | participation | trend analysis |
exchange rate | participatory note | trend reversal |
exchange rate risk | partnership | trendline |
excise tax | party | troubleshooting |
exclusion | pass-through | trough |
exclusive | past-due balance method | trust |
exemption | patent | trust company |
exit fee | pattern | trust fund |
exit strategy | pawn | trust-preferred security |
expenditure | pay | turnaround |
expense | payables | turnkey |
expense ratio | payback | turnover |
expiration | payback period | turnover ratio |
export | paydown | tycoon |
export license | payment | ultimatum |
Export-Import Bank | payment in kind | unappropriated profit |
exposure | payment option ARM | unaudited opinion |
extension | payout | uncertainty |
extraordinary item | payout ratio | unconditional |
extrapolation | payroll | underbooked |
face value | PE ratio (price/earnings ratio) | undercapitalization |
factor | peak | underemployment |
factoring | pegging | underinsured |
fair market value | penalty | underlying |
fair value | penny | underperform |
fallout risk | pension | underperformer |
Fannie Mae | pension benefit | undervalued |
FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) | pension fund | underwater |
FCC (Federal Communications Commission) | pension plan | underwrite |
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) | per | underwriter |
feasible | per capita | underwriting |
Fed | per capita income | underwriting agreement |
fed funds | per diem | undiversifiable risk |
Federal | per se | unemployment |
fee | performance | unemployment rate |
fee-based financial planning | performance bond | unencumbered property |
fee-for-service | performance-based compensation | unequivocal |
FFO (Funds from Operations) | period | union |
FHA (Federal Housing Administration) | periodic payment plan | unissued stock |
FICO score | perk | unit |
fictitious trading | permit | unit cost |
fidelity bond | perpetual | unit linked |
FIFO (First in, First out) | perpetuity | unit value |
filing | perquisite | unleveraged |
finance | petty cash | unlevered free cash flow |
finance charge | physical commodity | unlimited liability |
finance company | physical market | unlimited risk |
financial | pickup | unlisted |
financial holding company | piggyback loan | unload |
financial institution | placement | unpaid dividend |
financial instrument | plain vanilla | unqualified opinion |
financial leverage | plaintiff | unrealized |
financial market | planning | unrealized loss |
finished goods | plant | unrealized profit |
firewall | plateau | unsecured |
firm | play | unsecured loan |
first lien debt | pledge | unsubordinated debt |
first mortgage | pledging | unwind |
first-mover advantage | plow back | upgrade |
fiscal | point of sale | upside |
fiscal package | point of service | upswing |
fiscal policy | policy | uptick |
fiscal year | policyholder | useful life |
Fitch Ratings | political risk | valuation |
fixed annuity | pool | valuation reserve |
fixed asset | pooled fund | value fund |
fixed benefits | population | value-added |
fixed cost | portability | VAR (Value At Risk) |
fixed expenses | portfolio | variability |
fixed income | portfolio management | variable |
flat rate | portfolio turnover | variable annuity |
flat yield curve | portfolio variance | variable cost |
flexible benefit plan | position | variable interest rate |
flight of capital | positioning | variable rate |
flight to quality | positive yield curve | variable rate certificate |
float | possession | variance |
floating debt | postdate | variation |
floating exchange rate | posting | VAT (Value Added Tax) |
floating rate | postponement option | vendor |
floor | Power of Attorney | vendor financing |
floor limit | precedence | venture |
flow of funds | precious metals | venture capital |
follow-on | preempt | venture capitalist |
forbearance | preemptive right | vertical acquisition |
forced conversion | pre-existing conditions | vertical integration |
forecast | preexisting use | vertical market |
foreclosure | preference shares | vertical merger |
foreign currency translation | preferred debt | vertical spread |
foreign exchange | preferred equity | vested |
Forex | preferred shares | vesting |
forex swap | preferred stock | vesting period |
forfeiting | preliminary | visibility |
forfeiture | premises | void |
Form 10-K | premium | voidable |
Form 10-Q | prepaid expense | volatile |
Form 8-K | prepayment | volatility |
Form S-1 | present value | volatility risk |
Form S-3 | preservation of capital | voluntary contribution |
Fortune 500 | President | voting right |
forward | pretax | wages |
forward contract | pre-tax profit margin | waiting period |
forward curve | price | waiver |
forward deal | price maker | waiver of premium |
forward integration | price range | Wall Street |
forward price | price taker | war chest |
forward sale | primary market | warehouse receipt |
forward-looking statements | primary mortgage market | warrant |
franchise | prime | warranty |
free cash flow | principal | watch list |
free market | principal amount | wealth management |
freed up | principal shareholder | weighted |
frequency | principle | weighted average |
friendly takeover | prioritization of debt | weighted average cost of capital |
fringe benefits | priority | weighted average maturity |
front office | private banking | weighting |
front-end load | private company | when issued |
frozen account | private corporation | when, as, and if issued |
fulfillment | private equity | whipsaw |
full disclosure | private placement | whistle blower |
fully diluted earnings per share | private sector | white-collar |
functional currency | Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 | wholesale |
fund | privately held corporation | wholesale banking |
fund balance | privatization | wholesale price |
fundamentals | privilege | wholesaler |
fungible | pro forma | wholly-owned subsidiary |
futures | pro rata | windfall |
FX (Foreign Exchange) | probate | window |
GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) | proceeds | window of opportunity |
gain | procure | window-dressing |
gap | producer | win-win |
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) | product | withdraw |
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) | product line | withdrawal |
gearing | production rate | withholding |
general and administrative overhead | productive | withholding tax |
general partner | productivity | work force |
geometric mean | profile | Workers Compensation |
global fund | profit | working capital |
globalization | profit and loss statement | World Trade Organization |
going concern | profit margin | worth |
going public | profit maximization | write |
gold bond | profitability | write down |
gold standard | profit-sharing | write up |
good faith | program | write-off |
good faith estimate | progressive tax | writer |
goods | project | written-down value |
goodwill | projection | yardstick |
government | promissory note | year-over-year |
government bond | proof of concept | Year-To-Date |
government securities | property | yield |
government stimulus | property insurance | yield curve |
grace period | property tax | yield spread |
grade | proposal | zone |
grandfather clause | proprietor | zoning |
1 comment:
This is a useful tool. Thank you for this glossary of financial terms.
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