Sunday, June 20, 2010

Google Search, the Right Way!

Google Search is simple, just type in a few words, press enter and Voila! You get thousands of results to choose from. What’s there to learn?

On July 25th, 2008, the team at Google came out with an announcement that Google has reached the milestone of indexing one trillion unique URLs on the Web.

One Trillion = 1,000,000,000,000

i.e., if you check out each website for just one second, it would take you 31,709 Years to check all of the URLs.

Anyway it churns out a few thousand results for us to choose from for any query that we put in the search window. For a transcriber getting fast, accurate and relevant information is of essence, as he has to work within a limited turnaround time. To do so a transcriber needs to understand the basic structure of a Google Results page and learn a few tricks that will help to make his search efforts more fruitful.

Click on the links below to go to the specific subject:

5)     Reference Tools
7)     Google Easter Eggs!

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