Sunday, June 20, 2010

Useful Search Engines and Tools!

01)Google: A simple, yet powerful search engine to cater to all your research needs.

02)Blackle: Energy Saving Search (Claims at least!)

03)Google Advanced Search: The advanced search page by Google.

04)OneLook: OneLook Dictionary Search helps you to find words using Wildcard Search.

05)Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: The dictionary most editors use for checking the proper format and spelling of words.

06) A thesaurus lists together synonyms and antonyms of the word searched for.

07)Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names: Very useful to find place names using wildcard search.

08)RhymeZone: To find rhyming words, homophones, etc.

09) A dictionary of Financial Terms.

10)Google Translate: To translate text or webpages from one language to other.

11)Wikipedia: The free online encyclopedia.

12)’s Universal Currency Converter: Useful to perform currency and foreign exchange calculation.

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