Sunday, June 20, 2010

 BT Help > Typing > Why

Typing can be basically done in two ways:

1)      Hunt & Peck Typing (Unconventional)
2)      Touch Typing (Conventional)

Hunt & Peck Typing: This typing is the typing that you do when you don’t know typing as a skill, i.e., using two or three fingers to type out. You search for each key and press it. This is very time consuming and harmful for the fingers as it could lead to carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury to your fingers. But some people like it nevertheless, as it does not require training.

Touch Typing: This typing is the typing that you do when you undergo proper training and can type without even looking at the keys. The most effective and widely used version of typing, but requires a hell lot of training. The chances of making errors is also reduced in touch typing as you look at the monitor all the time and hence can see when you make a mistake, and press the classic backspace key and correct your error.

Why Touch Typing is better?

Hunt & Peck Typing
Touch Typing

You have to look at the keyboard continuously.
You have to look at the monitor.
More instances of error.
Error identification is easy.
Very Time consuming.
Less Time consuming.
No Training Required.
Training Required.
Ergonomically Incorrect and harmful for fingers.
Ergonomically correct and less harmful for fingers.

Suppose you have a field that needs to be harvested and you have 10 people to work, what would be better using 10 people or two people for the work? What would be easy for each person, ten people working at the same time or only two of the ten working? What would be less time consuming?

10 People, right. It’s common sense. Use it, when you have it.

Now obviously the big question is how to train for that click here.

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